Just across the channel coming into Harbour Club’s Marina are the little Cooper Jack Beaches that are just perfect to while away an afternoon
Delou’s beach also known as Cooper Jack beaches at the entrance channel to Harbour Club Villas and Marina
Explore with me some of our shoreline where you’ll find some out of the way gems of beaches that many of our visitors miss. Here are some of my favourites and each one has something special to offer.
South West Harbour Bluff by the pirates cove has a lovely beach and you can walk for miles down to Bonefish Point.
Lounging in the shallow waters looking towards the pirate’s cave and Osprey Rock just around the corner.
It’s time to think about leaving winter behind and flying to the sunshine and warmth of our islands. Spectacular beaches await you, soft white sand and clear sparkling water.
See you soon and check out our villas for your next vacation ….. http://www.harbourclubvillas.com
Sapodilla Bay is on the south side of Providenciales where visiting boats can clear customs at South Dock and then moor out and enjoy some perfect beach time. The water is shallow for quite a ways out before it deepens.
One of my favourite photos with a flowering poinsiana or flamboyant tree framing my daughter and grandbaby.
Providenciales and the Turks and Caicos Islands have some of the worlds best beaches. There are so many of them and we hope on your next visit, you’ll take in some of them to include Sapodilla Bay on the southern shores of Providenciales.
Happy beach days!
A red Flamboyant tree (Royal Poinciana) was ablaze with firey red orange blossoms and made a showy foreground for this photo taken with Sapodilla beach in the background.
The Royal Poinciana tree is flowering right now. It has bright red showy flowers that make this tree stand out. Take a look in the Bight as there's quite a few of them there.
I wish my photos did justice to the true colours of the sand, seas and skies on yet another perfect Sunday afternoon dreamily lazing around at Taylor Bay. We got a late start at about 3 pm and cruised on down to Taylor Bay anchoring in 2 feet of water fairly close to shore. The tide was on it’s way out so ever so often we’d drag the anchor further back.
As the sun slowly sank lower in the sky, we pulled up anchor and headed towards home. As we came towards the marker buoy off Ocean Point, we were greeted by over a dozen sailing boats anchored out in Sapodilla Bay.
Sapodilla Bay had more boats anchored out than I’ve seen in a long while…………. a beautiful sight to see especially as the sun was starting to set.
A lovely tranquil afternoon. We’re fortunate to be able to enjoy all the stunning beauty around us in the Turks and Caicos Islands. We hope you will book your next holiday and vacation in these “beautiful by nature” islands. See you soon.
We started off by deciding to go out to Leeward Beach. We took a detour going totally in the opposite direction because Anna wanted chicken wings from Sweet T’s for lunch on the beach. I suggested since we were so far from Leeward that we head for Sapodilla Bay. I hadn’t been out there for a good two years and had forgotten how beautiful this beach is.
We loved the clear, shallow water and as the tide went out, the water created ridges in the powdery white sand.
Put Sapodilla Bay beach on your list of places to see when you head down to the Turks and Caicos Islands. I’ll see you there now that I’ve re-discovered this gem of a beach.
The end of a relaxing day on the water and another island sunset. This one had some amazing cloud formations over the southern shoreline from Osprey Rock, Taylor Bay and Sapodilla Bay.
We had a lovely afternoon on the water and as we turned into Harbour Club’s marina , the sun was just disappearing over Cooper Jack hills. The photo is taken just by the Marine Biology School where the canal leads off towards Turtle Lake. A great place to watch the sun go down into the ocean and perhaps see “the green flash” is at Sapodilla Bay.
A great view point to watch the sun go down and look for the Green Flash…………the top of the hill has scattered rock carvings with names and dates. They say these carvings were left by sailors on watch.
Be sure to visit Sapodilla Hill to see these carvings and enjoy the view when you visit us on Providenciales.
On the way out to South Dock and just past the Chalk Sound turn off, you’ll find a rough dirt road that ends at the old Mariner Hotel. Park beside the link fence at about a third of the way to the old hotel and look to the right…..you should see the trail head.
There are many names and dates carved into the rocks supposedly by shipwrecked sailors in days gone by. The inscriptions are quite old and you can clearly make out names such as Balfour and Harriott along with dates.
One of the inscriptions could be attributed to a 19th-century official: W.R. Inglis, second President of the Turks & Caicos (1854-1862).
I want to post more photos of the inscriptions and will do that tomorrow. The view is magnificent from the top of Sapodilla and well worth a trip to see these old carvings.