A beautiful Bahama Woodstar hummingbirds flies to the Dwarf Poinciana flowers for nectar.
Activity around the pool at Harbour Club Villas has been amazing. I sit there often trying to capture all our birds coming in to feed from the variety of flowering plants. Our villa guests too are taking photos of the Hummingbirds and Bananaquits that are always there twittering and flying from perch to perch. Our resident Green Heron often comes for drinks and preens himself by the pool. He’ll squawk at you if he doesn’t like you enjoying “his” private pool!! We have Mourning Doves that peck at the gravel under the neem trees at the top of the driveway. They must be finding food there and also seen this week was the Northern Mockingbird.

Pretty little bananaquit sitting in our Tamarind tree…see the fruit…….found in my favourite Worcestershire Sauce.

We see Mourning Doves every day pecking at something underneath the neem trees.

The Northern Mockingbird is locally called “Preacher Bird”

Our resident Green Heron preening and grooming by what he thinks is his own private swimming pool!

The Island Honeysuckle attracts many birds to our pool area at Harbour Club Villas.

My first sighting of a Cuban Crow in one of our Palm trees……uncommon to see on Provo and has a bizarre gobbling cackle which is how I tracked him down at the villas.

A baby Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher just learning to fly……….so cute!

The Gray Kingbird comes to the Turks and Caicos to breed in the summertime.

The American Kestrel known as Sparrowhawk is commonly seen here year round.

The Yellow Warbler male has reddish brown streaks and lives and breeds in the Turks and Caicos year round.

And just because I love them so much, another photo of the Bahama Woodstar hummingbird that guests can watch daily by the pool at Harbour Club Villas.
Birdwatchers have so many birds they can see when on holiday and staying at Harbour Club Villas. The surrounding area has other water birds as well so have those cameras ready!