Anemones growing under the floating docks at Harbour Club’s Marina
A beautiful late afternoon spent lying on the docks taking photos of the marine life and world under our marina docks at Harbour Club Villas. Our guests had wandered down every evening of their stay and were coming back to tell me of all the sightings. I just had to see for myself.

Lying on the docks taking photos of the pale anemones with my reflection in the water.

Many pretty squirrel fish were darting around under the docks

The common blue crab was feeding on growths covering sturdy ropes laying in the water.

The beautiful neon yellows of the juvenile schoolmaster snapper.

Here’s some grunts, foureye butterfly fish and schoolmaster snapper.

Squirrel fish and schoolmaster snapper captured together

Love this photo of a little squirrel fish

Sea Anemone in pretty pink

Pretty but not sure what this is??

A fairly large barracuda kept prowling past.

Excitement when a guest spotted this octopus……..thanks Bryan for the photo.

Red-banded fanworm swaying with the currents.

Octopus trying to hide from Mike’s camera……what a beauty and changing colours.

An upside-down jellyfish.
I’m really amazed at all the marine life found down at the docks. Our guests at Harbour Club Villas love to wander down there in the evenings to discover all sorts of creatures, many birds, even sighting turtles and a four foot reef shark a few weeks ago.