The 2013 Fool’s Regatta at the Children’s Park in the Bight was held on Saturday. Saturday was as perfect as perfect gets even though it had a dubious and a bit ominous start weather wise. I arrived at about 1 pm in the afternoon and the kids races were underway. Tents were set up selling drinks and burgers, the water was warm and inviting (yeah for summer time when I can actually get into the water). Yes, I know what you are thinking but when you live on Provo, you tend to be pretty selective water warmth wise before swimming. Here’s some of the photos from the day.

Lil' Tinkerbell was sporting her pink bikini.......she's a potcake rescue chihuahua that's found her forever home.
Every June the Fool’s Regatta gets underway so come down to the beach the next time you are here and especially during Regatta time.
Happy Sailing!!