Kite boarding on Long Bay

Kiteboarding at Long Bay on Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands
A great sign post greets kiteboarders, spectators and beach enthusiasts to the Shore Club beach.

An amazing day on Saturday as we headed to Long Bay beach to take in some beach time as well as to watch the kite boarders. This colourful sign greets visitors as they walk out onto the beach, kites everywhere, in and out of the water. Wow, do these kite boarding enthusiasts know how to have a sensational day….some were skimming and flying across the water, learning techniques, beginners were taking lessons, there were families out enjoying the day and even man’s best friends were there, barking and tail wagging trying to get in on the action.

Kiteboarding at Long Bay on Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands
Kite boards resting on the sands at Long Bay beach.
What a show….jumps and flips high into the air!
Colourful kites and kite boarders skimming across the shallow waters of Long Bay
This youngster was already attempting some jumps as the wind swept him along the shore line.

Take me! Take me! I wanna kite board too!
Kite board traffic jam at Long Bay beach as numerous kite boarders put on a show.
The shallow waters and an easterly wind make for a perfect day of fun for man and his best friend out at Long Bay.
Smooth kiting just skimming the waters edge
Bookend dogs and potcakes were eager to help give their expert woof-advice.
Kiteboarders were doing some awesome tricks.
Colourful sun prisms and kites.

Lessons out in an open shallow bay just ideal for beginners
Beautiful Long Bay beach is the spot for kiteboarding……you too can learn to be this good.
Lift off!
You too can learn to kiteboard………instructors and lessons available.
Come on out and take some lessons
Looks pretty close from this angle
Some huge jumps….these guys know what they’re doing
Spectators taking in the action and it’s a great beach to visit while on Provo
Kites lined up along the beach
Long Bay Beach, the best for kite boarding on Providenciales

On your next trip to Provo, head down to Long Bay beach by the Shore Club and take in the action. Don’t forget that you too can enjoy this popular sport and lessons are readily available with top notch instructors. Email me at Harbour Club Villas or give me a call and I can put you in touch with the right people.

Happy kiteboarding everyone and see you at the beach!


Sapodilla Bay

Kite boarding and visiting boats at anchor at Sapodilla Bay

Kite boarding and visiting boats at anchor at Sapodilla Bay

Late afternoon is such a beautiful time of day………….we watched a kiteboarder as he skimmed across the bay past and around some boats that were at anchor.  Shooting into the sun gave the photo a soft quality as the sun glinted and sparkled off the water.  Don’t forget to bring glasses and a bottle of wine to sip on as you watch the sun go down into the water. Sapodilla is the best place to watch the sun set and perhaps even to see the elusive “Green Flash”.

Kite boarding at Malcolm Roads

What a show we enjoyed on the beach at Malcolm Roads.........Mike and a friend were out doing flips and enjoying kiting off the beach at Malcolm Roads

What a show we enjoyed on the beach at Malcolm Roads.........Mike and a friend were out doing flips and enjoying kiting off the beach.

We drove out to Malcolm Roads beach today. It was looking quite miserable but Eve was positive the sun would shine and she’d be able to snorkel. Sure enough, out came the sun and a couple of kite boarders………..Mike Haas who is one of our island kiteboard instructors and a friend.

Mike Haas has been teaching kite boarding on Provo for a number of years now. Head down to the Turks and Caicos soon and learn how to kiteboard!

Mike Haas has been teaching kite boarding on Provo for a number of years now. Head down to the Turks and Caicos soon and learn how to kiteboard!

Not only was watching these guys kiteboard exciting but they also sighted a whale just off shore. No kidding……they were actually kiteboarding  with a 30 foot whale!

Kiteboarders flying high and doing flips and jumps entertained us on the beach today

Kiteboarders flying high and doing flips and jumps entertained us on the beach today

And so, if you want to holiday in the Turks and Caicos Islands and learn to kiteboard, just drop us a line at Harbour Club Villas and we’ll put you in touch with Mike.

See you soon,

Long Bay beach

Long Bay.......great for those long walks, beach combing, horse back riding and the best beach for kite boarding.

Long Bay.......great for those long walks, beach combing, horse back riding and the best beach for kite boarding.

How the weather changes here on Provo……………flat calm without a breath of wind early this morning then the wind picked up and really started to blow by the afternoon. A perfect day for walking the beach at Long Bay and I would imagine with the wind being up, that the kiteboarders would have been out taking advantage of the winds. We’ve had guests at Harbour Club that have come here specifically to kiteboard. I’ve watched them on numerous occasions out at the Bight beach which is a favourite as well as at Sapodilla Bay.

But back to Long Bay. It is what I call a wild beach, wind swept and strewn with conch shells as there are many conch out in the waters off the beach. There’s even a Haitien sloop (boat) up on the shore. Albert shows us how to find conch at Long Bay and then to crack the conch.

Finding conch in the waters at Long Bay.

Finding conch in the waters at Long Bay.

There’s lots of conch in the water out at Long Bay. We were shown all the ins and outs of crackin’ conch and how to serve up ” a fresh from the ocean” feast!


We didn't forget the limes....conch, fresh from the sea.

We didn't forget the limes....conch, fresh from the sea.

Albert used to do lots of fishing and knows exactly where to find conch. He showed us how to prepare the conch meat and served it to us out on the Long Bay beach.
Yum.....that conch with a squirt of lime is as fresh as it gets!
Yum…..that conch with a squirt of lime is as fresh as it gets!

Join us for a taste of Conch on your visit to the Turks and Caicos Islands. Hope to see you soon.
