JoJo is a male dolphin that loves to interact with people all the way along from Grace Bay to Pine Cay. He is an Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin He has been injured several times by boat propellers and jet skis and has many scars. JoJo met Dean Bernal his protector, wild life warden and friend in 1984…..a friendship that lasts till this day. He was declared “a national treasure” of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

JoJo travels alone and seeks out humans and loves to spend time with them. These types of dolphins are known as lone, sociable or ambassador dolphins.
JoJo and his offspring, Dreamer and Scooter are three of the most famous dolphins in the world, known for their friendly and curious behavior towards humans. During a boat tour, visitors can interact with these magnificent creatures and even have the opportunity to swim with them in their natural habitat.
Should you be so lucky as to go swimming with JoJo and his offspring in the Turks and Caicos Islands, it promises an unforgettable adventure that will create memories to last a lifetime.
I have to thank Jodi from Snuba TCI for some of these terrific photos of JoJo taken at the Bight Reef (also known as the White House Reef at Coral Gardens). Also my son Mike who was happy to swim with Dreamer one day.
Jodi tells me that when he comes in, he usually wants to play and so it’s hard to get a photo as he is right in and far too close.
Jodi says JoJo loves to play tricks and hides behind her so she can’t see him or he hides behind her divers. One time he was right behind and in between a couple with her and his head was about a foot away from their faces. It was a priceless sight but then the girl put her hand out to touch him and Jodi had to stop her instead of taking the photo. Remember that JoJo is a wild and beautiful sea creature and you should never touch him. Look and be amazed but please don’t touch him.

JoJo is an Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin about 7 to 8 feet long and these dolphins can weigh 250 pounds.
And now here’s our JoJo story…………….yes, Barry and I were very lucky years ago when we first came to Providenciales. We were snorkeling together at the White House Reef when all of a sudden something huge was coming towards us. I was on the outside and in direct line of the fast approaching object. I was terrified and tried to scramble over Barry’s back to get on the other side of him so he could get it first. Nice of me don’t you think???? In a split second JoJo popped up and his head was right in front of us. Wow, my heart was in my mouth hammering away. He was so close that Barry put his flippers up in front of him to make JoJo back off a little. I can tell you we were some relieved that it was JoJo. He stayed but a minute or two and with one flip of his tail he disappeared into the blue. You realize how powerful and fast these creatures are and we wouldn’t have stood a chance if it was anything other than JoJo the dolphin.

A few years ago we heard JoJo has a female mate named Chenoa and together they had a calf named MoJo.

Swimming with JoJo, Dreamer, and Scooter, the famous dolphins of the Turks and Caicos Islands, is an extraordinary experience that will leave you in awe.
Remember. Should you be fortunate to see JoJo on your vacation here in the Turks and Caicos Islands, please do not attempt to pet or touch him. Thanks again Jodi and Mike for the photos.
Don’t forget to call Jodi and she’ll take you on a snuba underwater sightseeing tour of the reef .