Christmas Potcake

Here's Ava the potcake pup that was adopted recently by our guests at Harbour Club

Here's Ava the potcake pup that was adopted recently by our guests at Harbour Club

We received recent photos from Joe and Christen of their little Potcake named Ava that they adopted in November while here on their honeymoon. Jo writes “Ava is an utter joy and we couldn’t be happier with her. She’s the best souvenir I’ve ever brought home from a trip.  Attached you’ll find some recent photos, including her about to eat a Christmas ball, her donning her fancy jingle-bell collar, and her first romp in the snow (we’re supposed to get 2 feet tonight). EVERYONE loves our dog and she’s as friendly as could be.

Here's Ava with her "jingle bell" collar and just waiting to see what goodies Santa will bring her.

Here's Ava with her "jingle bell" collar and just waiting to see what goodies Santa will bring her.

Please, if you are able to help in any way……. contact Jane at Potcake Place, the fine potcake friends at the Turks and Caicos SPCA or call me at 1 8666 456 0210. They are always looking for people to take potcakes to Canada or the USA to join their new “forever” families. Adopt one if you can or make a donation towards the fostering and care of these little puppies. Thanks to Joe and Christen, Ava is one happy puppy who’ll spend her first Christmas surrounded by the warmth and love of her new family.

