Hermit Crab’s New Home

Here he is again carrying his very distinctive red, tube style home.

Here he is again carrying his very distinctive red, tube style home.

Hermit crabs or Soldier Crabs are usually very particular about their shells. Shell switching is not uncommon as the crab searches for the perfect shell. Barry and I had laid out four shells we had and it seemed that his preference was for the West Indian Top Snail shell.

We helped him shed the red tube and he gradually worked his way into his new home.

We helped him shed the red tube and he gradually worked his way into his new home.

The hermit crab has four tiny legs to hold the shell in place…a fourth leg that clasps the shell and the fifth that holds the shell.

Here's a close up of the Hermit Crab's fourh and fifth legs that grasp onto the shell.

Here’s a close up of the Hermit Crab’s fourh and fifth legs that grasp onto the shell.

Another view of the additional much smaller legs as the Hermit Crab moves into his new shell home.

Another view of the additional much smaller legs as the Hermit Crab moves into his new shell home.

In the wild, Hermit or Soldier Crabs feed off of coconut trees, leftovers from humans, and they will scavenge dead organisms, such as fish and other crabs. By the way, if they can’t find an adequate shell, they will use such man made things as plastic glasses, tiny one person jam jars, PVC pipes or whatever they can scrounge.

OK..........finally it's time to move in !

OK……….finally it’s time to move in !

Almost set to go and settling in.

Almost set to go and settling in.

Home Sweet Home and we're on the road again.

Home Sweet Home and we’re on the road again.

Hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I enjoyed photographing this little guy and helping him along in finding his new home.



Land Crab

Barry found this night visitor down by one of our villas

Barry found this night visitor down by one of our villas

As Barry was making the rounds this evening, he heard a loud noise and couldn’t imagine what it could be until he spotted this huge land crab.

This one was super aggressive as he waved his formidable claw at the camera

This one was super aggressive as he waved his formidable claw at the camera

Barry yelled at me to bring my camera…………I was in the shower and didn’t even have time to rinse off.

Close up of one impressively lethal looking claw.

Close up of one impressively lethal looking claw.

It moved really fast and we were nervous about getting too close but of course, the photo opportunity was too hard to pass up.

This Land Crab brings up his massive claw ready to attack.

This Land Crab brings up his massive claw ready to attack.

We quite often see these large crabs here at Harbour Club Villas. This one gave me lots of great photos for my collection.


Hope you enjoy seeing them!





Night Heron

Night Heron on Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands

Last night we had a late night visitor at Harbour Club Villas.......this Yellow-crowned Night Heron surprised our guests.

This heron is frequently seen in the Turks and Caicos Islands and its main food is land crabs. I think the one at the villas roosts in one of our neem trees as he has surprised us several times. On one of my trips out to Blue Hills it was low tide and I spotted a Yellow-crowned Night Heron. Apparently they will go into the sea at low tide in search of marine crabs.
Low tide at Blue Hills shows a night heron searching for something to eat.

Low tide at Blue Hills shows a night heron searching for something to eat.

The Yellow-crowned Night Heron is usually grey with prominent black and white head. It is primarily nocturnal but as you can see from the photo, they will come out during the day and stalk their prey. 
Close up of a night heron.............the tide was out and he was probably looking for crabs.

Close up of a night heron.............the tide was out and he was probably looking for crabs.

On your next visit to Provo, keep your eyes open as you are sure to see a variety of birds.  Birdwatching is great in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Land Crab at the Villas

Barry was the bravest of us all as he picked up this Blue Crab by our villas.

Barry was the bravest of us all as he picked up this large land crab by our villas.

Guests at Harbour Club Villas were surprised by this rather large land crab they found by their villa. Barry picked it up as it was not moving very fast and was not at all aggressive. We think it might have been injured or sick because it couldn’t even lift up its major claw in order to defend itself.
It sure had a lethal looking claw

It sure had a lethal looking claw

It was raining most of today but during one of the breaks between rains, our guests came across the land crab in one of our planters. We don’t think it’s going to make it. It was a great opportunity to take a real close look at a land crab.