Potcakes and Conchin’

It was so hot this afternoon that even the local potcakes were sitting and cooling off in the water

It was so hot this afternoon that even the local potcakes were sitting and cooling off in the water

The guys wanted to watch World Cup soccer so the gals and lil’ munchkin headed down Turtle Tail to “My” beach. I don’t know the official name of this lovely little spot that’s tucked away but everyone locally calls it “Dog beach.” And YES there were two potcakes from a nearby house that showed up to play in the water.

These two potcakes had a great time splashing, romping and just sitting in the water.

These two potcakes had a great time splashing, romping and just sitting in the water.

The water right now is like a bathtub………unusual for this time of year for it to be already so warm. Looks like there’s going to be lots of hurricane activity this year. The beach was perfect as munchkin played in the sand and the water and some locals came by conchin’.  

Conkin' on the south side of Providenciales just down the road from Harbour Club Villas.

Conchin' on the south side of Providenciales just down the road from Harbour Club Villas.

I chatted with two locals who were spending the afternoon looking for conch. Used to be a time where you would find loads of conch in the waters off this little beach and further down past Bristol Hills. They had so far only found one and then another one that I took pictures of.

A "medium sized" conch he told me......I thought it looked pretty large.

A "medium sized" conch he told me......I thought it looked pretty large.

He cracked the conch, pulled out the meat and continued through the water looking for more.
He cracked the conch, pulled out the meat and continued through the water looking for more.

Sad to say, there weren’t many conch to be found in the waters………….not even escapees from the conch farm that would work their way down towards our villas.
