Another spectacular day....calm and clear and I dragged Mike along for a photo. Who am I kidding....it was quite a few photos and Mike was very patient.
Our little “no name” beach (I call it My Beach or Dog Beach) is just down the road and tucked away. It’s know to the locals and several dogs who come to cool off in the water with or without owners. This is the favourite beach for our honeymoon couple Tim and Kristi who are staying with us now. Tim loves to bonefish and Kristi loves the beach so they are both happy.

Kristi loves this little beach and reads her book and cools off in the water.
Meanwhile, down the road a short ways, Tim was searching for bonefish. When we saw him, there was a school of bonefish that he had sighted. A flamingo flew right over his head as he was wading and I managed to catch it on camera………it’s a bit blurry but you can make out the flying flamingo.

Here's Tim bonefishing with a flamingo flying overhead.
The water was so calm and besides Kristi, there were only three other people just strolling along in the shallow waters.

The three dots are people walking out in the shallow water.
Today was again, another one of those days where the ocean was like a mirror. It was late afternoon and we had spent an hour taking photos of the flamingos…..at least we tried to get up as close as we could to them. They kept wandering over to the otherside.

Conference call as the flamingos gather together to squawk about the shrimps.
This is the first year that I’ve seen more than a handful of flamingos. Usually we see no more than five or so but there were alot of them there on the lake and salina today.

The flamingos were different colours some a real vivid pink.
The flamingos made reflections in the water as they slowly walked along occasionally feeding with heads under the water. If you are a bird watcher and here on vacation, make your way down Venetian Road past our villas at Harbour Club and you’ll see them. I’ll meet you there maybe???