Sapodilla Bay

Kite boarding and visiting boats at anchor at Sapodilla Bay

Kite boarding and visiting boats at anchor at Sapodilla Bay

Late afternoon is such a beautiful time of day………….we watched a kiteboarder as he skimmed across the bay past and around some boats that were at anchor.  Shooting into the sun gave the photo a soft quality as the sun glinted and sparkled off the water.  Don’t forget to bring glasses and a bottle of wine to sip on as you watch the sun go down into the water. Sapodilla is the best place to watch the sun set and perhaps even to see the elusive “Green Flash”.

Kite boarding at Malcolm Roads

What a show we enjoyed on the beach at Malcolm Roads.........Mike and a friend were out doing flips and enjoying kiting off the beach at Malcolm Roads

What a show we enjoyed on the beach at Malcolm Roads.........Mike and a friend were out doing flips and enjoying kiting off the beach.

We drove out to Malcolm Roads beach today. It was looking quite miserable but Eve was positive the sun would shine and she’d be able to snorkel. Sure enough, out came the sun and a couple of kite boarders………..Mike Haas who is one of our island kiteboard instructors and a friend.

Mike Haas has been teaching kite boarding on Provo for a number of years now. Head down to the Turks and Caicos soon and learn how to kiteboard!

Mike Haas has been teaching kite boarding on Provo for a number of years now. Head down to the Turks and Caicos soon and learn how to kiteboard!

Not only was watching these guys kiteboard exciting but they also sighted a whale just off shore. No kidding……they were actually kiteboarding  with a 30 foot whale!

Kiteboarders flying high and doing flips and jumps entertained us on the beach today

Kiteboarders flying high and doing flips and jumps entertained us on the beach today

And so, if you want to holiday in the Turks and Caicos Islands and learn to kiteboard, just drop us a line at Harbour Club Villas and we’ll put you in touch with Mike.

See you soon,