Atabeyra Wedding

Congratulations to Isa and Chris who were married on board the good ship Atabeyra yesterday.

Congratulations to Isa and Chris who were married on board the good ship Atabeyra yesterday.

Congratulations to Isa and Chris who were married yesterday.  A great wedding day……… it was pretty hot as Isa and Chris posed for some photos in the shaded and slightly cooler driveway at Harbour Club Villas. Family came from Brazil, Spain and the USA for this special occasion.

Smiling bride and groom before heading off with family and friends for the wedding.

Smiling bride and groom before heading off with family and friends for the wedding.

After much emailing back and forth, the decision was,  to be married at sea onboard the S/V Atabeyra with Captain Dave and his crew. This beautiful old vessel is a traditionally rigged trading schooner that has been refurbished and now does charters. I like to call it a rum runner (a romantic ring to it!!) as it used to ply back and forth between the Turks and Caicos Islands and Hispaniola carrying rum, beer and produce.

Here's my favourite photo of the Atabeyra.....we've had many a great trip with Capt. Dave over the years.

Here's my favourite photo of the Atabeyra.....we've had many a great trip with Capt. Dave over the years.

Claudio, the bride’s father, is a photo journalist and I will ask if I can post some of his great wedding photos taken on board during the wedding ceremony with Pastor Coleby of the Healing Waters Ministry here on Provo.

Gabriel, Isa's son sits for a moment as we try and coax a smile out of him. Gabriel had had more than enough of the picture taking.

Gabriel, Isa's son sits for a moment as we try and coax a smile out of him. Gabriel had had more than enough of the picture taking.

There’s so many wedding options here in the Turks and Caicos Islands and sailing off into the sunset, a wedding at sea is one of them and very romantic too.  Give me a call at Harbour Club Villas and we’ll give you some ideas and lots of information on having your wedding in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Congratulations Isa and Chris.


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