Category Archives: Fishing
Providenciales south side
Come and see us at Harbour Club Villas ……. the south side of Provo where we are is tranquil and beautiful. Shallow flats and a favourite for our bone fishermen.
Green Turtle
Here’s one of Mike’s great turtle photos taken while snorkeling at the Bight Reef. There are probably three species of marine turtles in the waters of the Turks and Caicos Islands……green turtles, hawksbill and the loggerhead. Divers and snorkelers alike can be assured to see a few turtles during their stay in the islands.
Lobster catch
Janet’s Bonefish
Grinning from ear to ear, one of our guests at Harbour Club Villas shows off her very first bonefish. Apparently it was 20 inches long and weighed 4 lbs 5 ozs. It took out about 120 feet of line on the second run. Janet sighted the bonefish about 30 feet away and cast right infront of it. The fish took the fly gently and made at least six runs. On the last run, the bonefish turned 180 degrees and headed straight towards her. She frantically had to try and wind the line back in so as not to lose the fish.
A perfect day for bonefishing in Flamingo Lake right infront of Harbour Club Villas. I saw the entire family, Mom, Dad and two kids out in the lake. Only Dad was trying to fish but he was holding his little son by the hand most of the time. None the less they seemed to be having lots of fun.
Just steps from your villa door and you can be fishing in minutes. Grab your rod and go when you want to go. This week, our fishermen have caught some 3-4 pound bonefish and Arthur caught his first bonefish ever!! Barry gave him a secret tip and the next thing we knew, Arthur was smiling from ear to ear as he related the story of catching his first bonefish in Flamingo Lake.
Blue Hills and Pelicans
This little guy was having so much fun on the beach by the pier out at Blue Hills. The pier is a favourite perch for numerous brown pelicans and terns. Birdwatching is fun down in Blue Hills.
We often see Brown Pelicans and a good place for birdwatchers and birders to see them is down in Blue Hills. They glide along the water’s edge looking for fish and plummet from above down into the water as they dive for fish.
Blue Hills is one of our local communities right on the ocean and one of my favourite spots for taking photos. Visitors are encouraged to take some time to enjoy the beauty of this part of Providenciales.
Long Bay beach
How the weather changes here on Provo……………flat calm without a breath of wind early this morning then the wind picked up and really started to blow by the afternoon. A perfect day for walking the beach at Long Bay and I would imagine with the wind being up, that the kiteboarders would have been out taking advantage of the winds. We’ve had guests at Harbour Club that have come here specifically to kiteboard. I’ve watched them on numerous occasions out at the Bight beach which is a favourite as well as at Sapodilla Bay.
But back to Long Bay. It is what I call a wild beach, wind swept and strewn with conch shells as there are many conch out in the waters off the beach. There’s even a Haitien sloop (boat) up on the shore. Albert shows us how to find conch at Long Bay and then to crack the conch.
Join us for a taste of Conch on your visit to the Turks and Caicos Islands. Hope to see you soon.
Blue Crabs
Over the last three days there’s been all sorts of activity just down the road from our villas where the waters from Turtle Lake flow through a culvert and into Flamingo Lake. I went down there today with my camera as I had heard from guests that there were all kinds of crabs in the water and on the bank and that some locals were catching them.
When I arrived on the bank, Stanley who does a little fishing and is from North Caicos, was there with his net and a bucket. He told me that he would be eating real good tonight. I guess they love these little crabs and throw them in a pot and cook them up.
Stanley said that there were “hundreds” of them the other day when he was out.
I’m not sure just how much crab meat you would get out of some of the crabs. He was throwing back some of the smaller ones and was looking forward to a good feast this evening.
I took this photo from the boat out at SW Bluff by Osprey Rock looking towards the flats and beaches edged by the shoreline.