Tree Frogs in Our Cisterns

Croaking frogs caught in our cisterns........noisy especially when trying to sleep!!

Croaking frogs caught in our cisterns........noisy especially when trying to sleep!!

We’ve been hearing frogs croaking at night and yes, two of them managed to get into the cistern under our house. Yesterday, we caught another one that had taken up residence in the cistern under Harbour Club’s gazebo at the pool.

We sent Mike down into the cistern today to capture the little frog........I'm hoping there isn't a mass of froglets down there!!!

Last night, we opened the trap door to the cistern while watching TV. We had read that frogs are attracted to light and we hoped the two frogs would emerge into the living room……umm, I wasn’t too keen on this idea with visions in my head of chasing a fast hopping frog around our living room. Well, Mike peeked around the recliner to find one of the frogs sitting on the trap door ledge which he quickly caught in our pool net.

Here's this mornings tree frog caught in the pool net.

Here's this mornings tree frog caught in the pool net.

We sent Mike down into our cistern this morning to catch the last remaining frog. He was well hidden up in the pipes but Mike managed to catch him.

Mike frees the small tree frog and we let him go into the bushes and shrubs by one of the villas.

Mike frees the small tree frog and we let him go into the bushes and shrubs by one of the villas.

Such pretty camouflage colorations on this little tree frog.

Such pretty camouflage colorations on this little tree frog.

Note the suction type pads which enable these frogs to glom onto cistern walls ??  etc

Note the suction type pads which enable these frogs to glom onto cistern walls ?? etc

I’m hoping there weren’t too many tadpoles down in the cistern waters…….we did add bleach this morning.



Hummingbirds Getting Bigger

Here's the MaMa hummingbird feeding one of the babies that I managed to catch on camera.

Here's the MaMa hummingbird feeding one of the babies that I managed to catch on camera.

Ten days ago, the little baby hummingbirds were tiny and scrawny with hardly any feathers.  I spent hours trying to get photos of her feeding them but she was really edgy if I got up too close.  The last few days or so she doesn’t spend as much time sitting on the nest as the little ones are growing fast.

A baby opens his bright yellow beak wide ready for a meal.

A baby opens his bright yellow beak wide ready for a meal.

They are now filling up the nest and are all feathery.

They are now filling up the nest and are all feathery.

Often when I walk past the cactus, all I see is two little beaks sticking up out of the nest.

Often when I walk past the cactus, all I see is two little beaks sticking up out of the nest.


The mother will feed the nestlings on small insects and nectar by inserting her bill into the open mouth of a nestling and regurgitating the food.

The mother will feed the nestlings on small insects and nectar by inserting her bill into the open mouth of a nestling and regurgitating the food.

A close up shows the little ones nestled together with beaks resting on the edge of the nest.

A close up shows the little ones nestled together with beaks resting on the edge of the nest.

The Mama Bahama woodstar humming bird watches me from a nearby branch

The Mama Bahama woodstar humming bird watches me from a nearby branch

The hummingbird mother pushes the food down the chicks’ throats with her long bill directly into their stomachs. The little chicks are brooded only the first week or two, and left alone after about 12 days – probably due to the small nest size. The chicks leave the nest when they are about 20 days old.

Twin beaks peaking out of the nest which is made of silks and apparently expands a bit as they grow.

Twin beaks peaking out of the nest which is made of silks and apparently expands a bit as they grow.


The young hummingbirds are beginning to show some greenish tinged feathers as you can see in the photo

The young hummingbirds are beginning to show some greenish tinged feathers as you can see in the photo

They are growing fast and so small and downy looking. The first baby hatched June 29 so they are about two weeks old.



2011 TCSPCA Dog Show

Ripley smiles for the camera......Dogs, Dogs everywhere...all sizes large, small and medium made for a wonderful afternoon of fun.

Ripley smiles for the camera......Dogs, Dogs everywhere...all sizes large, small and medium made for a wonderful afternoon of fun.

The long awaited and anticipated premier event of the dog world took place in Turtle Cove today. The annual Turks and Caicos Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals dog show had all kinds of dogs entered for the various events. Best Trick, Most “Original” Potcake, Dog with the Waggiest Tail to name a few. A “woofing” good time was enjoyed by everyone!

Jasmine and Lil'Bug dressed in pink with cute bows....she came in third for the best lookin' female

Jasmine and Lil'Bug dressed in pink with cute bows....she came in third for the best lookin' female

"Doggie" face painting was a big hit with the kids.

"Doggie" face painting was a big hit with the kids.

The judges including Donna from Pampered Paws had a real tough job on their hands with the large turn out of competitors

The judges including Donna from Pampered Paws had a real tough job on their hands with the large turn out of competitors

I love this photo of judge Peggy with her daisy adorned hat

I love this photo of judge Peggy with her daisy adorned hat

Adorable Cookie stole the cute is this???

Adorable Cookie stole the cute is this???

Dexter was chosen as the best looking Male in the show

Dexter was chosen as the best looking Male in the show

Brindy tries to have a sip of's thirsty work when you are this good looking!

Brindy tries to have a sip of's thirsty work when you are this good looking!

And here she is....TOP DOG in the show.........PEACHES

And here she is....TOP DOG in the show.........PEACHES

I can’t tell you how much fun we all had at this annual event and congratulations to the hard working volunteers and organizors.  The TCSPCA is the oldest and most established animal welfare organization in the Turks & Caicos Islands. It was established in 1998 and is entirely dependant on donations. So PLEASE do what you can to help this worthy cause.

Keep those tails a waggin’ !

Then There Were Two….Hummingbirds

Then there were TWO........the second egg hatched today.

Then there were TWO........the second egg hatched today.

I peeked into the nest today while Mama hummingbird was away and discovered that the second egg had hatched. Apparently when hummingbirds lay their eggs, the incubation starts once both eggs are in the nest and so they hatch at about the same time.

I never thought they'd be so dark and scrawny looking with a few feathers on their back.

I never thought they'd be so dark and scrawny looking with a few feathers on their back.

I managed to catch two little beaks wide open and waiting for food.

I managed to catch two little beaks wide open and waiting for food.

Here's the cracked egg and you can just see the yellow beak of the second, newly hatched humminbird

Here's the cracked egg and you can just see the yellow beak of the second, newly hatched humminbird


Two hummingbird babies lying beside the discarded shells....I wonder what will happen to the egg shells as the birds get larger.

Two hummingbird babies lying beside the discarded shells....I wonder what will happen to the egg shells as the birds get larger.


I’m so pleased at being able to photograph these sweet little hummingbird nestlings.





Baby Hummingbird

Peaked in the nest today and surprise, surprise, there it was, a tiny little hummingbird has hatched.

Peaked in the nest today and surprise, surprise, there it was, a tiny little hummingbird has hatched.

The other egg is still waiting to hatch and the mother hummingbird still sits on the nest  most of the time .

The other egg is still waiting to hatch and the mother hummingbird still sits on the nest most of the time .

Here's the little one with his beak wide open hoping for some food.

Here's the little one with his beak wide open hoping for some food.

The mother hummingbird tending to her young.

The mother hummingbird tending to her young.

Bahama Woodstar hatchling.

Bahama Woodstar hatchling.

Tiny newborn hummingbird.

Tiny newborn hummingbird.


Turks Head Cactus

Turks Head Cactus has a seed pod that is just like a mini rosy red apple.

Turks Head Cactus has a seed pod that is just like a mini rosy red apple.

 The recent rains have revived all the plants, bushes and everything is blooming like crazy including my Turks Head cacti. 

This one is flowering and fruiting at the same time.

This one is flowering and fruiting at the same time.

A close up of the pretty delicate looking flower of the Turks Head Cactus

A close up of the pretty delicate looking flower of the Turks Head Cactus

The cap of the Turks Head cactus with budding flowers just starting to pop up.

The cap of the Turks Head cactus with budding flowers just starting to pop up.

Looks like one of the numerous lizards at Harbour Club has eated part of the seed pod.

Looks like one of the numerous lizards at Harbour Club has eated part of the seed pod.

This particular young Turks Head is producing flowers and seed pods like crazy.

This particular young Turks Head is producing flowers and seed pods like crazy.

This is my mature Turks Head cactus....I'm thinking it has to be at least 25 years old.

This is my mature Turks Head cactus....I'm thinking it has to be at least 25 years old.

I love these cacti……….hope you enjoy the selection of photos.




Frogs and Lizards

An anole lizard takes a closer look at Barry's forehead

An anole lizard takes a closer look at Barry's forehead

Hanging laundry out back can be hazardous as Barry found out the other day……… anole lizard took a flying leap and landed on his forehead. Not quite sure what the little fella was looking for!! Of course he came looking for me to get some photos. I mean how often does something like this happen?

More exploration of Barry's head

More exploration of Barry's head

And for our entertainment today at Harbour Club Villas……….well, there’s a bit of a story here. We’ve been getting lots of rain and hearing frogs. So Barry decided to become a frog whisperer and call or croak to them. The frogs have been croaking back!!! The other night we heard a frog right outside our bedroom window somewhere in the bush. It was quiet for about 45 mins and Barry asked me if I wanted him to call the frog. Of course I said yes, he did and, THE FROG ANSWERED HIM BACK. I haven’t laughed so much in a while as we went through this excercise quite a few times and each time the frog answered.  Soooooo, this morning, Barry is in the shower when he calls me to bring the camera.
This morning a frog dropped by while Barry was having a shower

This morning a frog dropped by while Barry was having a shower

Barry must have charmed her last night with his croaking so she decided to come through the “whirly bird” fan above the shower to find her “handsome prince”  What a surprise she received and Barry too. He thought it was a crab initially and then it jumped almost landing on him. More photos of course and then Mike came up to lend a hand in the capture and release.
Mike tries to capture and release the little frog

Mike tries to capture and release the little frog

This little frog was really fast and a great jumper

This little frog was really fast and a great jumper

Frog whisperer Barry's photo.........great shot and angle!!

Frog whisperer Barry's photo.........great shot and angle!!

I just love the frog's legs.........suction cups for holding onto slippery wet shower stall tiles

I just love the frog's legs.........suction cups for holding onto slippery wet shower stall tiles


Ready to be let go in the bush....look at the suction cup like ends on its feet!

Ready to be let go in the bush....look at the suction cup like ends on its feet!

Ready to hop away from this nerve racking experience!!

Ready to hop away from this nerve racking experience!!





Hummingbird Update

Here she is.....nest all finished and ready to lay her eggs.

Here she is.....nest all finished and ready to lay her eggs.

All during this last week, our little hummingbird mama has been soooo busy building her nest. It has grown quite substantially (see my earlier blog as she began building her nest). For the first several days we had consistent rain but that didn’t stop her as she flew in and out with soft bits of tree bark and glued her nest together with spider webs.

Note she has some fluff in her beak to line the nest with some softness.

Note she has some fluff in her beak to line the nest with some softness.


Clever little bird, she camouflaged her nest well and built it into a cactus branch

Clever little bird, she camouflaged her nest well and built it into a cactus branch. This is another of Mike's super photos...look at the colours on the tail feathers!!

A closer look at those spectacular colours on her tailfeathers

A closer look at those spectacular colours on her tailfeathers

Two days ago when I took a look inside the nest, the Bahama Woodstar hummingbird had laid a tiny egg. Apparently it will take 16 to 18 days to incubate but I’m thinking she will be laying another egg soon. So far though, there’s only the one. 

One little egg in the nest ..... will she lay another?

One little egg in the nest ..... will she lay another?

She spends lots of time sitting on the egg in her nest. We walk past here so many times during the day so she must be getting used to the traffic.

She spends lots of time sitting on the egg in her nest. We walk past here so many times during the day so she must be getting used to the traffic.

Hummingbirds build an amazing, well constructed nest that is a bit more than an inch or so in diameter and probably two inches high so that the eggs are secure.  It is round, open, and made of soft woolly material similar to cotton, camouflaged on the outside with tiny pieces of bark . We have some wild cotton here at Harbour Club so she has probably found some of that to line her nest with.  They may choose a variety of sites from two feet to twelve feet from the ground. Two rather elongated white eggs are generally laid so we are now waiting for the second egg to appear.

You can see a closer view of the egg in the hummingbird's nest

You can see a closer view of the egg in the hummingbird's nest


Nesting hummingbird hidden in the cactus tree close by our walkway to our house at Harbour Club Villas
Nesting hummingbird hidden in the cactus tree close by our walkway to our house at Harbour Club Villas

Much excitement with watching and photographing this little hummingbird! Watch for more as hopefully the babies will hatch in a few weeks. I’m also watching a Gray Kingbird nest which today has four eggs in it. When I first saw it, there were just two but these birds lay up to five eggs….so we’ll see. But this will be for another post.

Happy birding and birdwatching!!

Rainy Day Walk in the Bush

Oh so pretty.....the bush is alive with a mass of purple flowers.

Oh so pretty.....the bush is alive with a mass of purple flowers.

We’ve had so much rain this past week and the liquid sunshine has created an abundance of flowers in the bush surrounding us here at Harbour Club Villas. I took a guest out to show him some of my favourite spots for bonefishing and discovered the rain had revived the parched bush.

The flowering Prickle Bush was everywhere with it's long trailing branches more like a vine than a bush.

The flowering Prickle Bush was everywhere with it's long trailing branches more like a vine than a bush.

Heavy cloud cover and just a few rain drops but still that wondrous turquoise ocean

Heavy cloud cover and just a few rain drops but still that wondrous turquoise ocean

The bush was alive with all kinds of flowers and of course new growth everywhere.

The bright yellow flowers of the Wild Senna bush were a stand outfrom amongst the greenery.

The bright yellow flowers of the Wild Senna bush were a stand out from amongst the greenery.

Pinkish Sea Sage with a yellow eye at the centre is a favourite attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.

Pinkish Sea Sage with a yellow eye at the centre is a favourite attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.

I caught a glimpse of something white and there it was, a beautiful passion flower.

I caught a glimpse of something white and there it was, a beautiful passion flower.

You may have noticed a dried twig like low bush........what a transformation as the rains bring out a mass of delicate white flowers.

You may have noticed a dried twig like low bush........what a transformation as the rains bring out a mass of delicate white flowers.

A heavenly scent as the Frangipani or plumeria flowers appear in clusters.

A heavenly scent as the Frangipani or plumeria flowers appear in clusters.

If you have a chance, look around you at the beauty and colours in our native bush right now. How lucky we are to see the many wild flowers and flowering bushes and vines.

Hummingbird Nest

I looked and looked trying to find the little hummingbird's nest........finally, there it was!

I looked and looked trying to find the little hummingbird's nest........finally, there it was!

Over the last few days, every time I walked up the stone pathway to our cabin, a tiny hummingbird would hover over my head as if to say….don’t come any closer!  I thought there might be a nest in the large Sapodilla tree but I kept looking there and couldn’t find anything. I finally stood there and took a few photos of the hummingbird as she perched and posed on a branch.

The start of a tiny nest on a cactus plant....soft plant material and cobwebs to glue it together.

The start of a tiny nest on a cactus plant....soft plant material and cobwebs to glue it together.

The Bahama Woodstar hummingbird spent alot of time today flying in with bits of soft  plant pieces and leaf hairs. The spider webs make terrific glue for the nest and allow the nest to stretch and be flexible as the baby hummingbirds grow. Take a look at the spider’s webs holding the nest on the cactus as well as the cactus spikes.

Bahama Woodstar hummingbird forming her nest with her body as she builds it in a tall cactus tree beside our cabin.

Bahama Woodstar hummingbird forming her nest with her body as she builds it in a tall cactus tree beside our cabin.

A mother hummingbird will sit in a nest and use a wing to press the nest against her body to mold it into the perfect shape. She will press her rump into the center of the nest and against the walls to round the inside. I’m excited at the prospect of watching this mama bird as she completes the nest and lays her eggs. Also wondering if this cactus branch isn’t a little too exposed especially with all the comings and goings of Barry and I as it’s right there at the entrance to our cabin.

The Mama hummingbird trying her nest on for size!

The Mama hummingbird trying her nest on for size!

I’m hoping in the days to come to get photos of the eggs and baby birds. Keep checking back.