Flowers for you

The beautiful Bay Bean grows and flowers along the shoreline

The beautiful Bay Bean grows and flowers along the shoreline

A big THANKYOU to my wonderfully caring  family and friends that have supported me these past few months.

I love you all  !!! 

My experience these last few months with breast cancer has really thrown me for a loop and been a true wake up call. It showed me the strength in having a loving family and just how lucky I am. All those tough days back and forth from Provo to Miami……tests and more tests and my breasts feeling like pin cushions. Barry was unable to come with me but kept a great sense of humour by reminding me that I was getting a two for one deal. He coped so brilliantly here at Harbour Club although it was really rough going and very busy with guests. My sister Eve and our three kids Tina, Mike and Ania rallied around and took turns staying with me in the hotel so I wouldn’t have to face things alone. They sat in on every appointment, asked questions and absorbed all the information so that they could explain things to me as well as to Barry and they waited patiently while I went through all the tests, surgery and radiation. My sister Anna (a breast cancer survivor) sent me encouraging emails every day and suffered along with me having been through it all herself.

It is soooooooo good to be back home and everyone now realizes that we all need to make the most of every day…..enjoy life to the fullest and worry less.




Pirate’s Cave at Osprey Rock

Beautiful spider's web catches the light at the pirate's cave at Osprey Rock.

Beautiful spider's web catches the light at the pirate's cave at Osprey Rock.

We headed out early today towards Osprey Rock as we knew it would be sheltered a little from the wind. We anchored the boat just off the pirate’s cave and since I hadn’t been up ontop of the bluff for a while, I decided to climb up the ladder to get some photos. Just inside the cave were some beautiful spiders’ webs.

Spider's web with the ladder in the background to climb up ontop of the bluff.

Spider's web with the ladder in the background to climb up ontop of the bluff.

What a view from the top as the water was a little churned up and showed off that amazing turquoise colour.


I took a photo of the boat anchored below me just off the cave

I took a photo of the boat anchored below me just off the cave


This beautiful ground cover with little white flowers was growing out of a small pocket of dirt in the rocks

This beautiful ground cover with little white flowers was growing out of a small pocket of dirt in the rocks

We were in about two feet of water so it was easy to wade back to the boat

We were in about two feet of water so it was easy to wade back to the boat

Malaika is just starting to walk and loves playing in the sand.

Malaika is just starting to walk and loves playing in the sand.

Here she is on the beach at South West Bluff close to Osprey Rock

Here she is on the beach at South West Bluff close to Osprey Rock

Make sure you have a rental vehicle ( Scooter and Amos at Scooter Bob’s will be happy to help you out) and then you can explore the whole island which is full of unique and wonderful more remote places to see.

See you there!!




Orchids blooming with the marina entrance in the background.

Orchids blooming with the marina entrance in the background.

This Tall Encyclia orchid was growing on the rock ridge overlooking the entrance to our marina. The days have been so gloomy and so I decided to see if the rain had made our local plants bloom. The Encyclia Altissima orchids are growing all over and flowering at this time of year. This one was quite showy with vivid purple striped lines on its petals.

The Marina channel and Cooper Jack Bight were perfectly calm creating a pastel backdrop of colours as the sun tried to break through the clouds.

The Marina channel and Cooper Jack Bight were perfectly calm creating a pastel backdrop of colours as the sun tried to break through the clouds.

We have been waiting for days to see the sunshine and today was the day……….and it lasted all day!



Wild Potato Vine

Every year before Christmas, I watch for the Ipomoea vine growing in the bush.

Every year before Christmas, I watch for the Ipomoea vine growing in the bush.

Finally, after weeks of looking I spotted this showy, red flowering vine on my neighbour’s property. I’ve been watching out for the Ipomoea vine also known as the Christmas vine and or Wild Potato. I’m thinking this last week has been rainy and cool and all of a sudden, I’ve noticed bright splashes of red adorning the tree tops and in this case, on a Poisonwood tree. Perhaps the rains coaxed the blossoms to open.

A brilliant red flower and a mass of buds on this Ipomoea vine.

A brilliant red flower and a mass of buds on this Ipomoea vine.

Usually, the Ipomoea blooms for the holiday season starting in October but as I said, I saw my first one only the other day while travelling down Venetian Road.  I wandered over onto my neighbour’s property this afternoon to take pictures of  orchids and found this Wild Potato growing on a tall poison wood……a little difficult to photograph as I didn’t want to touch the poisonwood.

The Ipomoea grows throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands and is one of the prettiest with brilliant red flowers.

The Ipomoea grows throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands and is one of the prettiest with brilliant red flowers.

Watch for these flowering vines as you travel the roads of Provo…….it’s impossible to miss with those bright red flowers that stand out amongst the green foliage.



Christmas Wild Poinsettia

Wild Poinsettias grow throughout the islands.

Wild Poinsettias grow throughout the islands and we're fortunate to be able to see them growing wild.

The wild poinsettia is found throughout our islands. It has leaves that are shaped like a lance and are often tipped with a deep red towards the centre. This cluster of red leaves gives the impression of a flower but the actual flower is found at the centre and in the photo the flowers have grown into green seed pods. Poinsettias are a favourite at Christmas time and many will buy the cultivated variety.
A floral bouquet of wild poinsettias and wild plumeria or frangipani in the gardens of Harbour Club Villas.

A floral bouquet of wild poinsettias and wild plumeria or frangipani in the gardens of Harbour Club Villas.

These beautiful wild flowers are found growing wild almost everywhere you go. The milky sap from the poinsettia is used as bush medicine and is a remedy for warts and corns.


Wild Flowering Vines

Tiny purple flowers on a vine that I found today.

Tiny purple flowers on a vine that I found today.

I’m not sure what made me look down on the ground but I’m glad I did. We have a rocky bank by the villas that we cleared some weeks ago and now there are many tiny clumps of creeping vines that are like a ground cover. Miniature little flowers with pointed petals are blooming all over and they are so pretty.

These little flowers are really quite lovely and if you didn't look closely, you'd miss them

These little flowers are really quite lovely and if you didn't look closely, you'd miss them

I haven’t been able to come up with a name for them. I also found what I think is a variety of  Creeping Day Flower in a very pretty blue. Some seeds must have blown in and they started to grow under one of my coconut palms.

Tiny, unique looking blooms of the Creeping Day flower.

Tiny, unique looking blooms of the Creeping Day flower.

Several months ago, I came across a plant with pale white flowers at Harbour Club Villas that I identified as a Creeping Day Flower. This one has blue flowers and the same leaf structure so I’m assuming it is a variety of the same plant. Again such small flowers that under normal circumstances you’d miss.

Amazing how many small low to the ground vines there are here in the Turks and Caicos Islands

Amazing how many small low to the ground vines there are here in the Turks and Caicos Islands


Keep a close eye out for these miniature flowering vines. They are exquisite with their delicate blooms.



Bouganvillea and Praying Mantis

I'm sure I spent over an hour taking photos of this Praying Mantis on a bouganvillea.

I'm sure I spent over an hour taking photos of this Praying Mantis on a bouganvillea.

Here's a close up of the praying mantis and the white flower of the bouganvillea.

Here's a close up of the praying mantis and the white flower of the bouganvillea.

Bouganvillea comes in such a variety of colours and the deep pink or fushia is one of my favourites.



Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

Saw and photographed this colourful and lovely looking butterfly the other day

Saw and photographed this colourful and lovely looking butterfly the other day

This is a Gulf Fritillary and it is one of the most frequently seen butterflies in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Not only is it beautiful with its rich orange with black markings but on the underside, it is even more spectacular.

Intricate patterns on the underside of the butterfly's wings.

Intricate patterns on the underside of the butterfly's wings.

This butterfly is also known as the Passion butterfly as the caterpillars feed on the many passionflower vines found here in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The side view shows the patterned wing which has silvery spots.

Colourful head markings on a Gult Fritillary

Colourful head markings on a Gult Fritillary

Close up of the beautiful markings found on the underside of the Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

Close up of the beautiful markings found on the underside of the Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

We encourage you to keep your eyes open so that you can spot these butterflies as you travel about our islands. The Turks and Caicos has some 40 species of butterflies that have been recorded.  


Look out for those butterflies!!




Blind Eye Bush

One of the most unique looking flowers that I've seen here in the Turks and Caicos

One of the most unique looking flowers that I've seen here in the Turks and Caicos

Yesterday was a rainy and over cast day and in the late afternoon the skies cleared a little. I took my camera and headed out into the bush to see what I could find. The rains had made all the difference and wildflowers were blooming all over. I found this strange looking bush with the most unique flowers and seed pods and with an even more curious name………… Blind Eye Bush.

The creamy flower of the Blind Eye Bush has a long, elongated column that curls back up into the flower.

The creamy flower of the Blind Eye Bush has a long, elongated column that curls back up into the flower.

This bush had flowers in different stages of development along with unusual screw like seed pods a little like cones.

Here are the brown twisted seed pods.

Here are the brown twisted seed pods.

This was a shrub about 5 foot tall and it grows throughout the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands in coastal and marshy areas. The leaves are in an elongated  heart shape often with jagged edges. The reproductive parts of the flowers are at the end of the elongated column.

The long column coming from the centre of the flower, carries the reproductive parts.

The long column coming from the centre of the flower, carries the reproductive parts.

I must say that this Blind Eye Bush is one of the most unusual plants I’ve seen. I also saw some beautiful flowering vines…..Jaquemontia, Cynanchum, Wild Alamanda, Milk Pea and Urechites or Devil’s Potato along with Jamaican Trash, Jack Switch, Mosquito Bush, Wild Senna and I also managed to get some close up photos of a Gulf Fritillary butterfly.

Blind Eye Bush with it's showy flowers.

Blind Eye Bush with it's showy flowers.

How lucky we are to be surrounded with all this natural beauty. Everywhere I go there’s a photo just waiting to be taken or in my case, hundreds of  potential shots!
