Hummingbird Nest at Harbour Club Villas Part 3

 At about two weeks old, the baby hummingbird is filling the nest nicely
At two weeks old, the baby hummingbird is filling the nest nicely

The little hummingbird grows very fast in its’ third week of life. Mama is flying back and forth and feeding every half hour or so. When females feed their young she inserts her long bill into a part of their esophagus and passes to them a mixture that is both nectar and insects.

Such comfort but can you imagine if there were two babies.

Nestling being fed a mixture of nectar and insects
The mama will often perch nearby
Baby is getting quite big and can catch flying insects
Trying its wings so cute to watch
Squawking for mama
Showing perspective of just how tiny the nest is
Almost ready to fly at 18 days old
Strengthening his wings in preparation

At three weeks of age, the little baby hummingbird is looking like a real hummingbird. It keeps testing its wings more and more in preparation for flight. In the next few days, this little one will fly off and I will no longer be able to photograph him daily. Sad really but I loved having been able to catch this all on camera from nest building to baby’s flight.

Cute photo of mama and baby
Almost ready to leave
What beautiful and fluffy feathers.
One, two, three and off we go
First short flight to a palm frond
Hungry after that exercise and mama’s right there
Mama still feeds for a few more days
And here’s the very last photo of the young hummingbird

For many weeks I photographed this delightful hummingbird. A nest was built by the mother hummingbird and she laid two eggs. One egg disappeared but I was lucky enough to film the little nestling right through to a few days after leaving the nest.

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.


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