Wild Potato Vine

Every year before Christmas, I watch for the Ipomoea vine growing in the bush.

Every year before Christmas, I watch for the Ipomoea vine growing in the bush.

Finally, after weeks of looking I spotted this showy, red flowering vine on my neighbour’s property. I’ve been watching out for the Ipomoea vine also known as the Christmas vine and or Wild Potato. I’m thinking this last week has been rainy and cool and all of a sudden, I’ve noticed bright splashes of red adorning the tree tops and in this case, on a Poisonwood tree. Perhaps the rains coaxed the blossoms to open.

A brilliant red flower and a mass of buds on this Ipomoea vine.

A brilliant red flower and a mass of buds on this Ipomoea vine.

Usually, the Ipomoea blooms for the holiday season starting in October but as I said, I saw my first one only the other day while travelling down Venetian Road.  I wandered over onto my neighbour’s property this afternoon to take pictures of  orchids and found this Wild Potato growing on a tall poison wood……a little difficult to photograph as I didn’t want to touch the poisonwood.

The Ipomoea grows throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands and is one of the prettiest with brilliant red flowers.

The Ipomoea grows throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands and is one of the prettiest with brilliant red flowers.

Watch for these flowering vines as you travel the roads of Provo…….it’s impossible to miss with those bright red flowers that stand out amongst the green foliage.





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