Leave Only Footprints

A little piece of heaven out on the beach by Osprey Rock

A little piece of heaven out on the beach by Osprey Rock

Two calm days in a row and we just had to take advantage of the great weather we’ve been having………..two boating and beaching days in a row.  Today we went off to Osprey Rock at South West Bluff. A few locals were line fishing out at Bonefish Point so we selected to moor off the pirate’s cave.

I wandered inland from the beach and WOW! the surf was high breaking on the reef line. You can just make out the white line of breakers in the photo.

I wandered inland from the beach and WOW! the surf was high breaking on the reef line. You can just make out the white line of breakers in the photo.

The views were spectacular as I wandered over the rocks and it looks like lots of roads have been bulldozed there now.  We haven’t been out here for a while and I was disturbed by the amount of garbage strewn around. Please bring garbage bags with you and let’s all do our part to keep these fabulous areas clean for everyone to enjoy. I know I will next time!  

A beach playground all to herself as Malaika plays with her sand toys.

A beach playground all to herself as Malaika plays with her sand toys.


Malaika was entranced by making prints in the sand with her toys.

Malaika was entranced by making prints in the sand with her toys.

A great day today! We ended up as usual at Taylor Bay and my next post will be of photos from Saturday and today.

Please help by taking all your trash or garbage with you and LEAVE ONLY FOOTPRINTS.








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