The Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

The colourful wings of the Monarch butterfly........wings have white spots on the outer margins, and have orange patches.

The colourful wings of the Gulf Fritillary........wings are a brilliant orange and the undersides have large silvery spots.

I was wandering along the road side by Harbour Club Villas and spotted this pretty Gulf Fritillary Butterfly also called a Passion butterfly. It wasn’t the least bit concerned that I was there and seemed almost to pose for the camera. I had never before noticed that butterflies have a coiled proboscis by which they sip liquid food. This tube-like proboscis is a long, flexible “tongue.” It uncoils to sip food, and coils up again into a spiral when not in use. Gulf Fritillaries’ favourite nectar is provided by the passion flowers and the vine’s leaves are the caterpillar’s preferred food.

Here's a close up shot of the Monarch Butterflies' coiled proboscis.

Here's a close up shot of the Gulf Fritillary's coiled proboscis.

The Monarch butterfly stayed still for quite a long time and I was able to get up very close without it flying away.

This magnificent butterfly stayed still for quite a long time and I was able to get up very close without it flying away.

The Gulf Fritillary is the most common large butterfly in the Turks and Caicos Islands

The Gulf Fritillary is the most common large butterfly in the Turks and Caicos Islands

The Turks and Caicos Islands have some 35 species of butterfly.





Wild flowers

On our way back home from the gym, I spotted a brilliant flash of red in the bush. I told Barry to stop and back up. Sure enough it was my first sighting of the Wild Potato that starts blooming before Christmas.

On our way back home from the gym, I spotted a brilliant flash of red in the bush. I told Barry to stop and back up. Sure enough it was my first sighting of the Wild Potato that starts blooming before Christmas.


Stunning red flowers on the Wild Potato also known as Ipomoea Microdactyla.

Also, the other day I spotted my first flowering wild orchid at Harbour Club Villas. Beautiful tall Encyclia Altissima with its yellowish brown petals and purple and white striped labellum. The labellum is the lip like part of the orchid which attracts those insects that pollinate the flower, and acts as a landing platform for those insects.

The tall, slender Encyclia Altissima orchid in bloom and such a heavenly scent too!

The tall, slender Encyclia Altissima orchid in bloom and such a heavenly scent too!

The Turks and Caicos Islands have so many different wild flowers that visitors can watch for as they enjoy their island  holidays.





Beautiful Bush Part 2

White starlike flowers of the Jacquemontia Havanensis growing all over some small shrubs and trees.

White starlike flowers of the Jacquemontia Havanensis growing all over some small shrubs and trees.

Chains of white stars covered the bush, bright yellow Necklace Pod with pea flowers hanging off the end of the branches, a lone Marsh Gentian in hues of purple and clusters of pink with yellow Sea Sage and orange coloured Black Sage also known as Lantana. There were so many different wild flowers in bloom!

The Necklace Pod had long sprays of brightly coloured yellow flowers and apparently flowers throughout the year here.

The Necklace Pod had long sprays of brightly coloured yellow flowers and apparently flowers throughout the year here.

I think this is a Marsh Gentian....there was only the one and it had four petals in a beautiful lilac shade with dark purple centre.

I think this is a Marsh Gentian....there was only the one and it had four petals in a beautiful lilac shade with dark purple centre.

Pretty pink with yellow clusters of the Sea Sage or Lantana. It was used as a tonic for chicken pox and skin irritations.

Pretty pink with yellow clusters of the Sea Sage or Lantana. It was used as a tonic for chicken pox and skin irritations.

Black Sage or Lantana with its' bright orange flowers on a small bush was in full bloom. Often used as a sore throat remedy in bush medicine.

Black Sage or Lantana with its' bright orange flowers on a small bush was in full bloom. Often used as a sore throat remedy in bush medicine.

There were numerous other flowers but I’ll leave those for another time.


Our beautiful island bush is filled with all kinds of interesting and colourful plants and wild flowers. Have a look for yourself!





Beautiful Bush

The Devil's Potato winds and twists its way up trees and utility poles and has showy pinwheel shaped white flowers

The Devil's Potato winds and twists its way up trees and utility poles and has showy pinwheel shaped white flowers

On the way back from the sports centre behind the Graceway IGA, I spotted a flash of white. I told Barry I was going to run down the road and grab a picture or two. Well an hour and a half later I had a whole bunch of photos of some of the wild flowers blooming along Turtle Tail Drive (Venetian Road) by our villas. I had neighbours stopping to see what I was photographing too. The beautiful island bush is alive right now with a wonderful selection of vines and flowers.

Passionflowers are blooming and you can spot them easily while driving along the roads.
Passionflowers are blooming and you can spot them easily while driving along the roads.

Another white flowering vine is the Cynanchum and there are at least three endemic species. These are so pretty with clusters of tiny white, star shaped flowers. You have to look closely but once you spot them, they are found all over.

Clusters of tiny stars..........the Cynanchum has a sweet fragrance.

Clusters of tiny stars..........the Cynanchum has a sweet fragrance.

Here's another Cynanchum and this one has furry flowers also star shaped.

Here's another Cynanchum and this one has furry flowers also star shaped.

The lavender blue pea flowers of the Butterfly Pea were blooming in profusion.

The lavender blue pea flowers of the Butterfly Pea were blooming in profusion.

The wild alamanda stands out with its' brilliant yellow showy flowers.
The wild alamanda stands out with its’ brilliant yellow showy flowers.

There’s more to come and I’ll leave them for my next post. Keep an eye out for these beautiful wild flowers and vines.


Lignum Vitae….Tree of Life

The beautiful Lignum Vitae is found throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands

The beautiful Lignum Vitae is found throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands

The other day I noticed a Lignum Vitae just loaded with bright yellow-orange fruits. The fruits are capsule shaped and they split open in September and October to expose black seeds that are enclosed in a fleshy red pulp.

Lignum Vitae translated from Latin means "tree of life" and was used in folk medicine as well as being prized by carpenters.

Lignum Vitae translated from Latin means "tree of life" and was used in folk medicine as well as being prized by carpenters.

Commonly called ironwood, the wood is so dense that it will not float even in seawater. Lignum Vitae is the heaviest and densest wood in the world and will rapidly sink to the bottom when placed in water. It resists rot caused by insects and moisture that lignum vitae wood used as posts for dwellings by Taino Indians have been found. Loyalist settlers also harvested valuable hardwoods from the Caicos bush and exported them to Europe.

When the lignum flowers, the whole tree is laden with beautiful blue-violet blossoms.

When the lignum flowers, the whole tree is laden with beautiful blue-violet blossoms.

The resin has been used for many years, in the treatment of arthritis and other ailments. At one stage it was thought to work both a contraceptive and a treatment for syphilis. Teas have been prepared from various parts of the tree and have been used to treat boils, swollen glands, fevers, aches and pains.

Close up of a colourful seed pod.

Close up of a colourful seed pod.

flowers bloom at different times and is generally because of seasonal rains.

flowers bloom at different times and is generally because of seasonal rains.

What an amazing tree…………even the insects and nectar drinking birds love the nectar of the Lignum Vitae.




Papaya or Paw Paw

Papaya trees come in one of three sexual forms: male, female and hermaphrodite and the photo above is of a male flowering papaya.

Papaya trees come in one of three sexual forms: male, female and hermaphrodite and the photo above is of a male flowering papaya.

The Papaya tree or Paw Paw is found growing wild throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands and we have several here at Harbour Club. Presently, Barry and I are juicing these wild papayas almost every day as we have so many that are ready to eat right now.

Male flowers are formed in clusters and grow on a branched drooping stalk

Male flowers are formed in clusters and grow on a branched drooping stalk

Male Papaya flowers have no ovaries and therefore do not produce any fruit. Female flowers have an ovary and are borne on the stem of the plant where the leaf is attached.

Beautiful yellow flowers of the female gender have five petals and are rather waxy looking.

Beautiful yellow flowers of the female gender have five petals and are rather waxy looking.

Some papaya bear only short stalked female flowers while others bear male clusters of flowers and pollination is done by the wind.

The bright yellow petals start to wilt and turn brown as the fruit starts growing

The bright yellow petals start to wilt and turn brown as the fruit starts growing

A small papaya fruit appears and starts to grow

A small papaya fruit appears and starts to grow

The ovary of a female Papaya plant must receive pollen from either a male or hermaphrodite plant before it can be fertilized and produce a fruit bearing viable seeds. Insects and or the wind will carry the pollen.

A small baby papaya starts to grow as the yellow petals die off.

A small baby papaya starts to grow as the yellow petals die off.

Harbour Club's papaya trees are loaded with small fruits ready to be picked.

Harbour Club's papaya trees are loaded with small fruits ready to be picked.

Papaya trees can grow from 6 to 20 feet tall and have a head of foliage much like a palm tree up at the top. The trunk is soft wooded, never developes a bark and is ringed with scars from previous leaf stems that have dropped off.

Tall papaya trees reaching to the skies laden with fruits

Tall papaya trees reaching to the skies laden with fruits

Wild papaya fruits aren’t really that large but they are favoured by the birds so long as Barry doesn’t get to them first. They are delicious served up as a smoothie or eaten with lots of fresh lime juice.

If you throw out these seeds they'll be sure to grow more trees.

If you throw out these seeds they'll be sure to grow more trees.

Papain from the papaya is used by the locals and applied topically for the treatment of cuts, rashes, stings and burns. It is said that Christopher Columbus named the papaya or paw–paw, ‘the fruit of the angels’. Try some papaya with fresh lime juice for a tasty treat…….it is ripe and soft and has a sweet and delightfully vibrant orange flesh much like the consistency of a peach.




Jamaican Caper Tree

A beautiful Jamaican Caper Tree with a mass of exotic looking blooms

A beautiful Jamaican Caper Tree with a mass of exotic looking blooms that turn from white to pink

I was up at a friends house and happened to notice a beautiful Caper Tree that was in full bloom. This particular tree seems to stand out when you look in the bush because it has very dense and full looking foliage with green leaves the undersides of which are a reddish brown.

The white flowers look like fireworks because of the long filaments coming from the centre of the flower

The white flowers look like fireworks because of the long filaments coming from the centre of the flower

 Jamaica Caper flowers have very showy, two-inch-long, purple stamens and white anthers and white petals. When the flower first opens usually at night it is white and they turn purple when the morning light hits them.

The pinkish purple flowers have numerous long deep purple stamens that burst out of the centre like fireworks

The pinkish purple flowers have numerous long deep purple stamens that burst out of the centre like fireworks

This cluster of flowers looked like pinwheel fireworks

This cluster of flowers looked like pinwheel fireworks

The Caper flower has long two inch stamens that are a purple colour and the flower itself has four petals

The Caper flower has long two inch stamens that are a purple colour and the flower itself has four petals

The Caper Tree has very fragrant flowers that are loved by nectar loving birds and butterflies

The Caper Tree has very fragrant flowers that are loved by nectar loving birds and butterflies

Caper Trees are found growing throughout Provo and keeps all its foliage even when we have drought conditions.

Caper Trees are found growing throughout Provo and keeps all its foliage even when we have drought conditions.

Take a look as you are driving around and see if you can spot these trees. With all the flowers, they shouldn’t be too hard to find.




Mini Passion Flower Vine

A beautiful miniature Passion Flower vine started growing under one of our palm trees

A beautiful miniature Passion Flower vine started growing under one of our palm trees

I was doing some weeding the other day and came across the most beautiful miniature Passion Flower vine complete with tiny fruits the size of peas. The flowers were a pale yellow and smaller than a dime. I don’t really know what kind of Passiflora it is but it could be a Passiflora suberosa according to some of the books.

You can see how tiny the fruit is as I hold them on my fingers.

You can see how tiny the fruit is as I hold them on my fingers.

My fingers are quite small………my middle finger is 2 1/2 inches long so that gives you an idea of the size. This mini Passion Flower Vine was growing very happily under one of our Palm Trees.

Beautiful and tiny this wild passion flower bloom was just resting on some gravel.

Beautiful and tiny this wild passion flower bloom was just resting on some gravel.

Here's a couple of passion fruits hanging from the vine

Here's a couple of passion fruits hanging from the vine


When the fruits turn a dark purple-black colour, they are favoured by the birds

When the fruits turn a dark purple-black colour, they are favoured by the birds

This pretty,  small passionflower vine often creeps along the ground throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands. You really have to look closely for it !!




Rain clouds over the ocean

And finally the rains came..............over 5 inches recorded
And finally the rains came…………..over 5 inches recorded

Today, we woke up to overcast skies and RAIN. We’ve had no rain for so long that even the local bushes and shrubs had withered up leaves. Our large mahogany tree dropped all its leaves and had just started to produce new ones. First time this has happened ever since we’ve been here. We received over 5 inches of rain and unfortunately many places were flooded.


Mangroves planted by Flamingo Lake

Every child planted a mangrove sapling along Flamingo Lake by Harbour Club Villas

Every child planted a mangrove sapling along Flamingo Lake by Harbour Club Villas

A few weeks ago, I ran down to the road and there was a group of children from Holy Family Academy Catholic School busy planting Mangrove saplings. Officers of the DECR were there to show them how as they worked their way along Flamingo Lake and the road by our villas at Harbour Club.

Students and teacher plant a mangrove beside the lake waters

Students and teacher plant a mangrove beside the lake waters

Eric from the DECR is about to show this young student how to plant her seedling.

Eric from the DECR is about to show this young student how to plant her seedling.

Time out for a real squishy mud dance !

Time out for a real squishy mud dance !

I would say that at least 30 mangrove saplings were planted this day.
I would say that at least 30 mangrove saplings were planted this day.

I can’t say how great it is to see new mangrove saplings along this stretch of the lake. The kids and everyone worked so hard…………..WELL DONE and a big thankyou to all.
